Caregiving Is Not For Sissies.
It is a 24/7 job. You don’t get evenings, weekends and holidays off. You don’t get paid. Sometimes is seems like a thankless job. But, you don’t do it for the kudos.
You do it because you love your spouse, sibling, parent, and child. You, as Caregivers, NEED people to come along side and help you take care of yourself. It is not just about your loved one, you need to be cared for too.
We know that sometimes a Caregiver cannot even leave the house unless there is someone there to stay with your loved one. But, we also know you need to get out, take care of yourself, and RECHARGE. You cannot continue to be effective if you crumble under the fatigue and stress of sleepless nights, endless phone calls, continuous scheduling of health related appointments, etc. etc.
If you are the main Caregiver of a loved one, Helping Hands is here to help you get out of the house, no questions asked, so you can take care of YOURSELF as well as your loved one.